You are eligible if…
you are 14-19 years old
you live in the U.S.
you need resources to pursue your interest
What’s your passion?
Why is this important to you?
What do you plan to learn?
How will you learn it?
You can write an essay, submit a video, or share a presentation. You decide. You can see examples of strong applications and why we loved them below.
This is something we get asked a lot, and we understand why you are skeptical. A program that allows you to pursue your passion and provides funding? Sounds too good to be true. But that is exactly what GripTape does. We have provided over 3,600 youth this opportunity, and you can be next! Yes, GripTape is radically different. And it’s absolutely real.
Past Challengers have taken on everything from martial arts, hydroponics, woodworking, and cybersecurity to music production, neuroscience, costume design, community organizing … and everything in between! You can see examples of past applications on a wide variety of topics above.
No. You have to apply on your own. However, if you decide to include a friend or a group in your 10-week experience, that’s up to you.
You can apply anytime :-) .
A GripTape Champion is a person who is there to encourage and believe in you — to be your booster when you need it.
Champions are interested in your topic and eager to be your thought partner. You are in the driver’s seat. They are there to help you reflect, but they won’t tell you what to do.
That’s okay. Learn what you want to learn in the way you want to learn it, even if you don’t need all the time we offer.
GripTape is all about you driving your own learning. During your 10-week Challenge, no more than a third of your time and resources can be spent on adult-led experiences like classes or lessons.
Once you are accepted and complete a few orientation steps, your Champion will reach out to set up a video call and officially start your Learning Challenge. You’ll talk with them every week or two throughout the 10 weeks.
No. But you do need to meet with them every week or two.
You will receive your funding in the way that works best for you — direct deposit, check or VISA gift card — once you’ve had an Orientation Call with your Champion.
Yes, you need to send receipts to GripTape.
What if you don’t? It’s possible that your 10-week Learning Challenge won’t go exactly as planned or end the way you thought it would. But that’s okay. You’ll only “fail” if you don’t learn.
No. You don’t have to “deliver” anything for your Challenge. What — and if — you create something is completely up to you. We’ll ask you to fill out a survey and have a final meeting with your Champion at the end to help all of us to learn and reflect.
That’s okay. You can absolutely keep on working and learning even though your “official” GripTape Learning Challenge has ended. In fact, 85% of past Challengers continued to pursue their topic after their GripTape experience.
Once you’ve completed a Learning Challenge, you’re part of the GripTape alumni community. You’ll have access to additional, alumni-only opportunities. And, if you want to connect with other Challengers or the GripTape team, there will be plenty of chances. We’d love to stay in touch!